a woman puts a contact lens in her eye

We asked Dr. Galatea Tsvetkova whether contact lenses harm the eyes.

With proper use and following all the instructions given by the ophthalmologist, contact lenses can be used for a long time before they cause problems that are noticeable to the patient or visible to the doctor.

Often, however, users of this type of optical device ignore the risk they are still exposed to, placing a "foreign body" in their eyes, and then the answer to the question would be a resounding YES.

Millions of people around the world wear contact lenses every day without any complaints or have yet to face the complications "lurking around the corner".

One of the most common symptoms that patients come to me with every day is dry eyes with or without a diagnosis of Dry Eye Syndrome. I can't help but miss the most common mistakes that lead to tear film instability, namely prolonged wear (eg monthly lenses, sleeping with them, etc.) or "carrying over" the lenses. The negative consequences can deepen over time, provoke more serious complications, and they, in turn, significantly affect vision.

Intolerance to lens solutions is another common factor provoking negative feelings, but the good thing is that we have a wide variety of products on the market, some of which have a composition extremely close to that of human tears.

Вреват ликонтактни лещи на очите – неправилна употреба?

I will start with the things that can be observed as a clinical finding by an ophthalmologist, but for the patient remain completely asymptomatic. These are signs of insufficient oxygen (mainly obtained from the environment) to nourish the cornea:

  • vascularization - entry of blood vessels into the structure of the cornea (normally it lacks any) circumferentially (at 360°), which is not associated with deterioration of vision until the final stages of the problem;
  • edema (microcystic edema) – may be associated with minor deterioration or fluctuations in the quality of vision;
  • corneal infiltrates – accumulation of immune cells and water around them, a precursor of an ulcer or cicatrix (cloudiness, scar).

As I already mentioned, the broken integrity of the tear film is also a problem. The contact lens divides the ocular surface into compartments (compartments) in front and behind it, which disturbs the delicate balance of the tear film. It is recommended to avoid the silicone material in the lens (hydrophobic nature), due to the aqueous environment in which it is located anyway (the tear).

Many studies indicate the direct relationship between the regular use of contact lenses and affecting the morphology of the meibomian glands located in the structure of the eyelids, as well as changes in the state of the lash line.

In the presence of pronounced redness of the eye, deterioration of vision, irritation and frequent appearance of secretions with a yellow-greenish or greenish color, it is most likely an infection. This is a problem that requires immediate treatment by a specialist.

Corneal neuropathy is another disease that is observed with long-term use of contact lenses, leading to damage to the nerve fibers of the cornea, as a result of which its sensitivity is reduced. The condition can also lead to the formation of a larger defect called an ulcer.

Lastly, I would mention the giant-papillary conjunctivitis. It refers to inflammation of the conjunctiva with the formation of large bumps on the inside of the upper eyelid (most often). It has been associated with chronic mechanical irritation, especially when "wearing" silicone hydrogel lenses.

What lenses would you recommend for first time use?

They are recommended daily lenses – on them no retention of bacteria, proteins and allergens (over time, monthly ones become more uncomfortable due to accumulation of waste products). They also do not require the purchase of a solution and a storage container. Despite their softer structure, sometimes a challenge in the training period to fit the lenses, I recommend ones made of a material called hydrogel.

Daily lenses also offer the option of being thrown away after a single wear, especially in the beginning when you're still learning how to fit them correctly and are touching more with your hands.

How to correctly fit and put in contact lenses?

Contact lens insertion (before make-up):

Wash your hands.

Dry them с чиста кухненска хартия или салфетки (без власинки).

Inspect and confirm the printed correction with the diopter of the lens you are fitting.

It is preferable to use your dominant hand, placing the lens on the index finger.

contact lens in packaging

When picking up the lens, be careful to avoid touching it with your fingernail.

contact lens on finger

Once it's on your index finger, note the shape—a perfect "bowl" or "plate"—and do the "taco test."

Тако тест

Start with the eye on the side of your dominant hand.

Контролирайте клепачите си, използвайки и двете ръце – недоминантната ръка захваща средната част на горния клепач в близост до миглите, доминантната поставя лещата с показалеца, а останалите три пръста (среден, безименен и малък) изтеглят долния клепач максимално надолу.

contact lens insertion

insertion of a contact lens in the eye

Другото око е винаги отворено и следи действията на пръстите. При увереност в движенията можете да го отместите встрани.

You can place the lens in an upright position or bent forward in front of a mirror positioned on the table.

Removal of contact lenses (before removing make-up):

Wash your hands.

contact lens removal

Pull down the lower eyelid as far as possible with the non-dominant hand.

Pull the lens down from the coloured part towards the fornix of the conjunctiva (towards the white of the eye).

After dislocating the lens, grasp it with the thumb and index finger of the dominant hand on either side and remove from the ocular surface.

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