But do they really help?
The Dryness in the eyes is often Comprehensive problemsimposing and integrated approach to relieve or eliminate irritating symptoms.
Artificial tears and it preservative-free are a product that provides the user with, temporary reliefwhich, however, passes relatively quickly. However, there is no denying comfortwith which they associate, especially in some more special situations such as prolonged computer work.
Not a few people are already familiar with the undeniable fact that the stable and robust tear film also provides a better quality of vision and of life. This is because the same is involved in the refractive power of the eye* and visual comfort.
*You've probably noticed that blurry vision when concentrating your gaze on a monitor or reading a book is corrected after repeatedly blinking or rubbing your eyes. This is due to restoring the integrity of the tear film briefly.
Artificial tears alone, however, are extremely insufficient and unable to help in our fight against:
Налично възпаление на очната повърхностНалага се терапия с медикаменти като антибиотици, кортикостероидни или имуномодулиращи капки и др.;
Запушването на мейбомиевите жлезиМастни жлези в клепачите са отговорни за синтеза на липидния слой на слъзния филм – показател за тяхната дисфункция;
Problems associated with the Demodex mite that inhabits the skin.
To make sure that in your case with eye discomfort, artificial tears would be an appropriate solution, remember that it is advisable to make a consultation with an eye specialist.