Structure of the eye
* Attention! contains optical terms and concepts.

The optical system of the eye

It consists of the cornea, intraocular fluid and lens. After the lens, the light rays spread into the vitreous body and give an image on the retina. The resulting images are real and inverted. The straightening of the image is done with the help of the brain. When an imperfection appears, the need for glasses also appears in some of the elements. Therefore, we will introduce you to these three main elements.


It represents 1/6 of the outer shell of the eyeball, it lacks blood vessels. It is nourished by the vascular network located around it. It is transparent and provides mechanical protection to the adjacent tissues. It is formed in the fifth month of intrauterine development. It has a refractive power of 45 diopters. The cornea protects us from UVB rays. The most important part of it is the middle 1/3, since the optical and visual axes of the eye pass through there. The refractive index of the cornea is 1.37, and the radius of curvature is approximately 7.8mm. The curvature of the cornea plays an important role in your choice of contact lenses. It is good that your curvature matches that of the lenses, so that you feel maximum comfort. There are devices in optics that, with the help of doctors, can measure this value. In corneal diseases such as keratoconus (the cornea progressively deforms and thins, taking on an irregular cone-shaped shape), hard contact lenses are used to maintain its correct shape.

Intraocular fluid

It fills the eye chambers. Its refractive power is related to that of the cornea. These two elements are the first part of the optical system of the eye.

The intraocular lens

is transparent and biconvex, with different radii of curvature, its flatter side facing the iris. Made of band-shaped cells, it has a weight of about 180 g and the highest protein content (~ 35%). It is rich in calcium and phosphorus. It has a refractive power of about 19 diopters. It absorbs UVA rays. In young people, the lens is more elastic. With age, this elasticity decreases. An interesting fact is that our eye remains the same size as at birth, but it still ages and changes constantly. There are people who are born without an intraocular lens, this disease is called aphakia. The optical system of the eye is not ideal. It has small defects that are usually not corrected.

Optical defects of the eye

  • Deviations in the sphericity of the surface of the cornea and lens. In these deviations, the centers/vertices of the optical surfaces do not lie exactly on the optical axis.
  • Astigmatism of oblique rays. It is due to the fact that the optical and visual axes do not coincide, as a result of which the images on the retina are deformed and unclear.
  • Spherical aberration. This defect occurs with a wider pupil. It is compensated by the flatter peripheral part of the cornea.
  • Chromatic aberration. It is due to the dispersion of light. It is compensated by the pigment of the "yellow spot". It absorbs blue-violet rays.
  • Irradiation, as a result of which the images on the retina are not sharp. There are two types: positive (in this case, dark objects on a light background appear smaller) and negative (here, light objects on a dark background appear smaller)
This is just one part of the structure of our eye, but it is extremely important. The information about it gives us answers for the dioptric values ​​that we have on our eyeglass prescriptions. For example, in most cases, astigmatism is due to an imperfection of the cornea. And the appearance of age-related macular degeneration farsightedness(when reading glasses are used) to reduce the elasticity of the intraocular lens. So, don't judge us for the boring information, but answer the question: "Why do I have to wear glasses now? Until yesterday, I could see perfectly." Every mystery is hidden in our eyes, which process about 36,000 bits of information per hour and focus 50 things per second. So this miracle of nature is not a coincidence, a mirror of our soul. All our feelings, emotions, and trepidations are hidden there. That's why when we seek the truth, we always look the person across from us, right in the eyes. This is why body language is so important, because we read it with our eyes. We can't stop our pupils from dilating by 45% when a loved one appears, but we can choose the right glasses for our eyes and see the world as it is, with all its diversity and beauty. Be responsible, take care of them, and they will ensure that a vast world filled with magic opens up before you.

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