Interesting facts

За теб подбрах 75 любопитни факта за очите и очилата, които са малко популярни.

Приятно четене и не ми благодари за новите знания.

А ти какво любопитно знаеш?

  • The U.S. Army has developed a prototype of "augmented reality" digital glasses designed for service dogs assigned to various combat units.
  • John Lennon gave his round glasses to his butler in 1965. It is believed to be the first pair of round glasses the performer owned.
  • Джон Ленън е носил контактни лещи през първите си години и е държал очилата си далеч от публиката.
  • The Ocean Cleanup project is a non-governmental organization that aims to clean the Great Pacific Island of plastic by making $199 sunglasses.
  • Wearing sunglasses protects against harmful UV rays. The dark filter is soothing and you don't have to squint. This, in turn, reduces the risk of eye wrinkles.
  • At the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, athletes from various nations and disciplines won 16 gold, 13 silver and 16 bronze medals while wearing Carrera sunglasses.
  • През 1965г. австрийският пионер Вилхелм Ангер Веркер, се впечатлява силно от автомобилното състезание Carrera Panamericana, чието трасе е с дължина 3219 км. Така, подвластен на магията Вилхелм, преименува името на компанията си за очила от Wilhelm Anger Werker на Carrera.
  • You cannot sneeze with your eyes open.
  • Caffeine consumption can relieve dry eye complaints.
  • Chamomile helps against blue circles under the eyes.
  • A cup of coffee a day can preserve your vision, reducing retinal degeneration caused by aging.
  • 1% of women and 10% of men suffer from color abnormalities.
  • The eyes can distinguish about 500 shades of gray.

  • One of the body's first reactions when it experiences pain is to dilate the pupils.

  • The cornea of ​​the eye is the only part of the human body that does not receive blood. It receives oxygen to function directly from the air.

And are you wearing the right glasses?

жена с черни диоптрични очила
price with black round glasses
  • The intraocular lens е прозрачна и двойно изпъкнала, с различни радиуси на кривина, по- плоската ѝ страна е обърната към ириса. Изградена от лентовидни клетки, има теглото около 180 г. и най-високо съдържание на белтък ( ~ 35%).
  • Each eye contains 107 million cells and all of them are sensitive to light.
  • Every 12th male representative is colorblind.
  • The pupils of the eyes dilate when looking at the one you love by 45%.
  • Only 1/6 of the eyeball is visible.
  • Средно през целия си живот виждаме около 24 млн. различни изображения.
  • People and dogs - the only ones who look for a visual response in the eyes of others, dogs do this only in contact with people.
  • About 2% of women have a rare genetic mutation that results in extra retinal cones. This allows them to see 100 million colors.
  • There is a case of conjoined twins from Canada who have a common thalamus. Thanks to this, they could hear each other's thoughts and see through each other's eyes.
  • To see nocturnal predators sleep with one eye open. One half of their brain hemisphere is asleep while the other is awake.
  • An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
  • The human eye sees only three colors: red, blue and green. The other colors are a combination of these colors.
  • An ideal length of eye contact with a person you are meeting for the first time is 4 seconds. That's all it takes to determine what color his eyes are.
  • Your fingerprints have 40 unique characteristics and your iris has 256. It is for this reason that retina scanning is used for security purposes.
  • People say you don't have time to blink because it's the fastest muscle in the body. Blinking lasts about 100-150 milliseconds, and you can blink 5 times per second.
  • A person's tears differ in composition, depending on what they are caused by (joy, sadness or external stimulus).
красива жена
The eyes process about 36,000 bits of information per hour.
  • The eyes fix about 50 things per second.
  • We blink an average of 17 times per minute, 24,480 times per day and 8,935,200 times per year.
  • We see with our brains, not our eyes. In a number of cases, when poor vision is blurred, the cause is not in the eyes, but in the visual cortex of the brain.
  • The images that are sent to our brain are actually reversed.
  • The newborns don't cry tears.
  • The cornea of the eye may get sunburned.
  • Schizophrenia can be determined with up to 98.3% accuracy with a conventional eye movement test.
  • If the human eye were a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels.
  • We spend 10% of our waking hours with our eyes closed.
  • The eyes use about 65% of the brain's resources. That's more than any other part of the body.
  • A story about the Cyclops appeared thanks to the peoples of the Mediterranean islands who discovered the remains of extinct pygmy elephants. The elephant's skull was twice the size of a human, and the central nasal cavity was mistaken for an eye.
  • Each eyelash lives for about 5 months.
  • The Mayans considered squints attractive and tried to make their children squints.
  • The eyes process about 36,000 bits of information per hour.
  • Octopus eyes do not have a blind spot, they evolved separately from other vertebrates.
  • The folds that appear in our eyes are called "floating cloudiness." This shadows the retina with tiny strands of protein inside the eye.
  • Vision at astigmatic eyes е доста различно, при високите степени на астигматизъм, зрителната острота( величината , която характеризира разделителната способност на човешкото око) е намалена. Тя намалява не само от неясен образ, но и от неговата деформация.
  • If you fill a person's ear with cold water, the eyes deviate in the direction of the opposite ear. If you fill the ear with warm water, the eyes are diverted to the same ear. This test, called a "caloric test," is used to determine brain damage.
  • If only one of your eyes is red in the flash photo, you probably have an eye tumor. Fortunately, the cure rate is 95%.
  • Astronauts can't cry in space because of gravity.
  • Pirates used an eyepatch so they could quickly adjust their vision above and below deck.
  • The flashes you see in your eyes when you rub them are called "phosphenes".
  • There are colors that are too complex for the human eye. These are called “impossible colors. "
  • Paul I, Catherine's son, inherited his mother's myopia. He, as well as his wife Maria Fyodorovna, use lorgnettes (a pair of glasses with a handle) in their daily life.
  • Legend has it that Count Ivan Gudovich (1741-1820), Governor-General of Moscow, hated people with glasses. Even when he saw someone with glasses looking at him, he sent his servant to that person with a message: “There is nothing here to look at so carefully. Take off your glasses, please.'
  • A lion's vision is 5 times better developed than a human's.
  • If you put the two halves of a ping pong ball over your eyes and look at a red light, listening to a radio tuned to noise, you will have vivid and complex hallucinations. This method is called the Ganzfeld procedure .
  • Астронавтите от мисия Аполо разказвали, че виждали светкавици и ивици светлина, когато си затваряли очите. По-късно се оказало, че това е предизвикано от космическата радиация, която облъчвала ретината им извън земната магнитосфера
  • Sometimes people suffering from aphakia- lack of intraocular lens,report seeing the ultraviolet light spectrum.

А знаешли какво е наслада за очите?

bay - on the way to Dubrovnik
  • Bees have a train in their eyes. They help them determine the direction and speed of flight.
  • About 65% -85% of the blue-eyed white cats are deaf.
  • During Chernobyl, a firefighter with brown eyes turned blue due to the strong radiation he received. He died two weeks later from radiation poisoning.
  • Shakespeare says in Othello that jealousy is "a monster with green eyes," and in fairy tales, movies, and various mythologies, villains are usually depicted as green-eyed.
  • About Leonardo da Vincivision was a means of reviving knowledge. He believed that the five senses were connected at a point behind the eye.
  • Progressive lenses were first introduced in 1959. They were designed by the French engineer and optician Bernard Maitenais. He created a technology for processing an optical surface with variable refraction.
  • Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich had 6 pairs of glasses, Patriarch Nikon - 8. One of them is preserved in the Patriarchal Palace of the Moscow Kremlin. It is kept in a pear-shaped silver case decorated with silver birds. The glasses are foldable.
  • Catherine the Great began experiencing vision problems in 1770 and a gold-framed monocle with diamonds was commissioned for her for 1219 rubles. One of her pairs of glasses is still intact.
  • The volume of the eye sockets in owls is almost entirely occupied by the body of the eyeball.
  • The lens of an owl's eye is not located in a flattened eyeball, as in other birds, but in a deep horn tube.
  • The eyes of owls are not spherical as they look. They are telescopic.
  • It is a curious fact that some of the first records of contact lenses date back to 1508. Then Leonardo da Vinci, pushed the idea of vision correction by placing a hemisphere made of glass filled with water, on the The Cornea.
woman with dioptric glasses


  • Любопитно е да знаете, че независимо от диоптричната стойността на късогледството, далечното виждане на всички хора с минусов диоптър, е еднакво. Разлика се наблюдава в най-ясната близка точка. А това означава, че ако имате малък диоптър има възможност да виждате ясно на около метър или малко повече, докато ако имате.